Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 16 - I Thought this was going to be cheaper?!?

Everything has been great so far. I found some great flavors I enjoy vaping all day (Monster, Guava and Butterscotch, mmmm) I haven't had any issues with hardware, or atomizers going bad yet. Everything is great. I couldn't be happier, or could I...

I just placed another order for hardware. This time two eGo batteries, a car charger and some Vivi nova tanks from VapeDojo. I also picked up two Katana Kits (12.99 each) to give too two smokers in my life, my step father (who sounds like a water bong in the morning, its getting bad) and my best friend whom isn't a PAD (pack a day) smoker but has tried to stop numerous times. I tallied up the total order minus the Katana kits, added it to my spreadsheet and... crap.

I have spent a total of $323.97 on vaping, saved $93.57 on smokes, for a total savings of... -$230.40. To top this all off, I still need to pick up more juice! I thought this was supposed to SAVE me money not cost me money. Yeah, minor problem I suppose.

So you may be wondering why I picked up more eGo twist batteries? While switching between both my Lavatube and the eGo I've found that I rather enjoy the eGo more than my Lavatube. It just hits better, and stronger and doesn't burn the juice as easily at high wattage. Also my Lavatube has a tendency of dropping the voltage for some reason making some hits weak. To top it off, travelling with the eGo is much easier as its smaller and more compact. I think I'll stick with the eGo twists for a while until I 'save' up for a more powerful mod. I say 'save' since it isn't a matter of cost, its a matter of saving money! Right? Right?

16 days down without a smoke. Heres to 16 more.

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