Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 108: Business and money.

Its been quite busy for the past few months. We finally launched our company Spartan Vape (it isn't much to look at right now), and we've been furiously trying to sell starter kits to everyone possible. I've learned quite a few things since then. Firstly I'm an atypical vaper. I jumped into this with both feet and bought everything possible to figure out what I did and didn't like. Seems most people just stick to what they know and aren't very adventurous. They'll choose an eLiquid flavor and only vape that. Nothing else. Its quite odd to me since I do love to try everything and figure out what's best for me. I guess that's why review sites are so popular, people don't take risks.

On a more new vaper note, I'm down to -$82.73!! Yeah I still haven't saved money, and I think I forgot to update the spreadsheet for an order or two. But... it's getting down there! Slowly but surely. Its a far cry from the -$400+ it was at. 

Sadly it won't be this low for long, I have my eye on a Kanger Protank. I've destroyed a few tanks with my favorite eJuice Arnold Palmer (from Mt. Baker Vapor) and I'm running out of cartos to use. While I love my carto tank it's a real pain to fill up all the time. A Kanger Protank will solve most of my issues. 

Day 108 -$82.73

Last week I also had a good lesson on proper battery care. I was charging my original 18350's (Labled ICR18350, came with the Vamo) and I suddenly smelled burning electronics. I've worked in the tech industry for a long time and instantly recognized it. Since it was so hot out I figured it was my video card again, I've had to replace capacitors on it several times due to overheating. So I popped open my computer to take a look. That's when my roommate came in said he smelled smoke and freaked out and started yelling 'FIRE FIRE' I turned around and there it was. My battery charger was on fire. Ok not on fire, just smoking pretty bad. Since I take precautions beyond most people I killed the power via remote switch and used my electrical fire extinguisher to stop the smoking. 

It was my fault. Somehow the battery developed indents on the bottom. I'm still not sure what caused it, but the negative side of a few of my batteries have the same pattern. I figure it happened from the bottom coil when I drop my Vamo. (which is common for me) Looking back on it, I should of retired all of those batteries as soon as I noticed the damage. I need to be more careful with what is essentially a bomb. It could of been MUCH worse. Lesson learned. 

On the back of this I picked up a bunch of eFest IMR 18350's from SteamMonkey's website, a few high quality chargers and a old surplus 1/4" thick ammo case. Next time a battery fails while charging, it won't catch fire or do any other damage. 

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