Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 87: Been quite busy, and health changes.

Boy have I been busy. With the official launch of my company Spartan Vape, money worries and various company drama I forgot to post!

I am currently still in the hole financially. Still hovering around -$200. Negative $201.83 actually. My collection has grown quite a bit. I picked up 5 new eGo Batteries (all 650mah from my company) and several clearomizers. Its difficult to keep the costs of vaping down when I really just want to try everything. My last order from Mt Baker Vapor consisted of 15 new flavors alone. Its slowly creeping down though, every day it gets closer and closer to $0. One day... one day.

Health. Many people start vaping to be more healthy. Good on them, I support them 100%. While my own reason for vaping was more selfish, money every reason to switch is a good one.

I've never been a very active person. I grew up with a computer even before the dawn of computers. I learned to type before I could write, and had a modem and an internet connection before AOL even existed. Needless to say, most of free time as a youth was spent behind a computer, staring into a TV/Monitor programming, playing video games or talking with people on BBSes. Claiming that I'm an "physically active" person would be a flat out lie.

Last weekend, I went out for a BBQ with my brother and nieces. Of course being the uncle they don't see all the time my 4 year old niece decided I was her toy for the day, not that I minded. We ran around, played in the park and I did the "i'm bored, I'm going to swing you around like a rag doll" game.

Yesterday, In a rare non-slug moment, I had to run crossing the street. I was crossing a street when suddenly a car ran the red light and nearly hit me. I saw the car, sprinted a bit and made sure I was ok. It wasn't until an hour later I realized... that didn't make me run out of breath. So I did another test, I walked up and down some stairs several times, and STILL had energy afterwards.

It wasn't until I started writing this entry that I realized that, I have a LOT more energy now than I did before. None of the activities I've done in the past week really made me tired. Something like this would of put me out of commission for at least a week if not more. Now I'm ready to do it again.

I also noticed I'm happier. For no reason at all. I've never been a particularly happy person and very introverted, I always see the negative side of things and really need personal time to unwind. (lets face it, people in general are annoying) Lately I've noticed it doesn't bother me as much. Perhaps the MAOIs they put in cigarettes are finally wearing off but I'm just happier.

Another note, I did have a brief cold a few weeks back after the San Diego trip. Normally a cold would of lasted at LEAST a week. This time it went away after about 3 days.

It may be all anecdotal, but I'm pretty sure I'm much healthier vaping than when I was smoking. Its hard to tell since I've been smoking since I was 10 so I don't really have a baseline to compare to. But I certainly feel better and have a LOT more energy to deal with people and events than I use to.

We'll see what happens, but I'm liking the results so far.

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