Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 38 - Vamo update

Seems the guys over at Vapedojo are just freaking awesome. I told them about the Vamo problems and   he responded with just a simple, "We'll send you a new one!" few hours later I got the USPS tracking number. Talk about service.

Now lets hope they don't ask for the broken one back so I can take this baby apart and see the insides (perhaps even fix it) I'd love to see the innards of an advanced device. (Oh and the reddit karma would just be a bonus ;)

On another note, I finally got one of my loaned eGos back from my best friend. His order finally showed up and hes now converted for life. Several more people have since asked as well, sadly I'm out of Katana kits to give/loan out but every smoker I know has at least a passing interest in vaping.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 36 - The VAMO

I came home from an interview today (which I think I totally bombed, I do not feel good about this. Sucks) and was happily surprised by my latest acquisition to my Vape Arsenol. The VAMO V2! I picked this baby up from my favorite hardware vendor Vape Dojo (To be fair, I had a 25% off coupon, otherwise I would of gotten it from somewhere else) For the price and full kit, it was well worth it. Tossed in two 18350s and powered it up as soon as I could, switched over to variable wattage mode, screwed in my Vivi Nova and took a toot at 9 watts. My lungs currently aren't talking to me as it was way too high.

My first thoughts: The Throat hit created by this device is massive. Much more than I'm use to by far. Nothing else I've used (my eGos, the Lavatube or an ancient flashlight I converted years ago when I first learned about vaping) have ever produced this effect. In truth I didn't think something like this was possible. I've tried several atomizers of varying ohm value and noticed a huge difference between them at the same wattage. (The Vamo makes checking it so much easier) It seems high resistance, 2.5ohm+ works great with this device, while lower ones, 1.8ohm-, perform poorly. Ecto Cooler from MVB has never tasted so good with a 3.0ohm vivi nova at 7.5 watts. 

Secondly, this thing just LOVES finger prints. Note to self: Next time I commit a crime, do not leave the Vamo behind. The moment I took it out of the plastic sleeve it was already covered in tiny finger prints. 

Next point of annoyance is the charger that came with it. The 18350's do NOT sit well in it. Its not secure. I feel if I bump the thing the batteries will fly out. Not a huge deal since I have a ton of chargers already. 

Otherwise, I think this is one of the better hardware purchuses I've made for vaping. I already love it more than my Lavatube. Best of all, my Vivi Novas look beautiful on top of it.

Now, what will my next piece of hardware be... maybe an eVic? Perhaps a box mod?

Vamo + New Vivi

A few days ago I received an order from the best eJuice supplier in the world, Mt Baker Vapor. I picked up my all day vape Monster flavor in various PG/VG mixtures to test out how each performs. So far I really enjoy 100% VG. It produces the vapor feeling I miss from smoking. I've noticed I don't really like as much throat hit vaping as I did smoking. I really enjoy it smooth and the VG mix is perfect. Next time I order my ADV flavors (which btw are currently Strawberry Kiwi, Mango, Monster and Ecto Cooler. They're all glorious) I'm going to get them in 100% VG with 3-4 flavor shots.

I really need to stop buying stuff. I keep staying around -$200 in the hole with this endevour. However I'm having a ton of fun researching and answering questions. Seems every person I normally interact with is very interested in vaping. I seem to have several devices that are always on loan. Not that I mind, more vapers, more fun right? On the bright side I finally figured out what I like in terms of flavor/PG/VG Mixture so I don't have to buy every possible flavor anymore, that should cut down my costs a bit.

On a side note, I got to tell someone I didn't smoke today. Felt kind of good.

Edit: Its day 36 not 35! Wow how time flies.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 30 - One Month in, and converting friends by accident

Its been a an entire month since I've had a cigarette. I've gone through 50+ flavors, bought a ton of hardware and have converted 5 friends by accident. I feel pretty good even though my initial plan to save money hasn't happened yet.

Converted by accident you ask? Seems everyone is interested in vaping. Whenever I go out I always have to field questions about what vaping is, how it works, is it safe, where to buy them, what they should get, etc. Its quite tiring to tell the truth. The first friend to jump on the wagon was Steve, he went full bore just like I did and got his first vape mail today. Tons of eJuice from Mt Baker Vapor and a good amount of hardware from Vape Dojo. It took an entire day of questions from him, and once he got home, went crazy. Hes in the same boat as I am, save money.

The second friend just wants to stop smoking. Not so much stopping the nicotine, but to stop the smoking part. He even talked me into loaning him a battery and CE5+ until his shows up. Several others have followed suit as well. For some reason I expect the majority of my friends vaping by the end of next month. Quite a happy accident!

I've finally figured out what flavors I enjoy (Spoiler Alert, its the Sweet ones). I just tossed in an order to Mt Baker Vapor for some more of my favorites. I also got my favorite flavor in various PG/VG mixtures trying to figure out how exactly they work.

So what does the future hold? Obviously more delicious flavors. I want to delve into RBAs (Rebuildable atomizers) and manual batteries. Not just for the cost but for the vapor production. One thing I really miss about smoking analogue cigarettes was feeling my lungs fill up with smoke. Some videos I've seen with RBAs show huge plums of vapor.

Its been a great first month. Heres to a month more.

PS. I'm still $200 in the hole. I seem to hover around this number. Hopefully once I find my perfect setup it will finally go down.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 16 - I Thought this was going to be cheaper?!?

Everything has been great so far. I found some great flavors I enjoy vaping all day (Monster, Guava and Butterscotch, mmmm) I haven't had any issues with hardware, or atomizers going bad yet. Everything is great. I couldn't be happier, or could I...

I just placed another order for hardware. This time two eGo batteries, a car charger and some Vivi nova tanks from VapeDojo. I also picked up two Katana Kits (12.99 each) to give too two smokers in my life, my step father (who sounds like a water bong in the morning, its getting bad) and my best friend whom isn't a PAD (pack a day) smoker but has tried to stop numerous times. I tallied up the total order minus the Katana kits, added it to my spreadsheet and... crap.

I have spent a total of $323.97 on vaping, saved $93.57 on smokes, for a total savings of... -$230.40. To top this all off, I still need to pick up more juice! I thought this was supposed to SAVE me money not cost me money. Yeah, minor problem I suppose.

So you may be wondering why I picked up more eGo twist batteries? While switching between both my Lavatube and the eGo I've found that I rather enjoy the eGo more than my Lavatube. It just hits better, and stronger and doesn't burn the juice as easily at high wattage. Also my Lavatube has a tendency of dropping the voltage for some reason making some hits weak. To top it off, travelling with the eGo is much easier as its smaller and more compact. I think I'll stick with the eGo twists for a while until I 'save' up for a more powerful mod. I say 'save' since it isn't a matter of cost, its a matter of saving money! Right? Right?

16 days down without a smoke. Heres to 16 more.